Questions to Ask Your HVAC Contractor

December 6, 2024

Before you hire a heating and cooling business to work on your home’s AC unit or furnace, you need to vet it thoroughly. Learn what important questions to ask your HVAC contractor. Are You Licensed and Insured? One of the first questions you should ask involves whether or not the HVAC contractor has licensing and insurance. These credentials demonstrate the proficiency and experience of the HVAC business and also lower any liability you assume during the HVAC project. How Long Have You Been in Business? You should also find out how long the HVAC company has been in business. Those...

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How Annual Maintenance Memberships Can Save You Big Money

October 7, 2024

HVAC industry experts advise scheduling two seasonal tune-ups a year. Additionally, most HVAC warranties require this service as a condition of coverage. Homeowners should schedule maintenance in spring for air conditioners and in fall for heaters. Many people view this as an additional cost, but it can actually save you money in the long term. Additionally, many HVAC companies offer an annual maintenance plan that can save you even more. Discount on Seasonal Tune-Ups Many HVAC contractors offer an annual HVAC maintenance plan as a way to help homeowners save money while fostering customer loyalty. Most plans include the spring...

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Learn How Duct Cleaning Impacts Your HVAC System

September 10, 2024

Your air ducts play a critical role in the efficiency of your HVAC system. While leaky or severely damaged air ducts can have a negative impact on your HVAC system, simply cleaning your ducts can also play a big role in your HVAC’s performance. Over time, dirt, dust and debris can accumulate in your air ducts, which can reduce the efficiency of your system. Taking the time to work with a professional HVAC company, such as , to periodically clean out your air ducts will have several positive impacts on your system. By doing this, you will be able to...

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Common Furnace Issues You Should Be Aware Of

August 8, 2024

If you’re like the majority of homeowners, you rely on a furnace to provide adequate heating for your home throughout the cold winter months. While furnaces can be a highly effective heating option, they do experience their fair share of issues over time. As a homeowner, it can be helpful to understand what some of these common issues are so that you’re prepared if you find yourself facing them anytime in the future. Faulty Starting Mechanism Your furnace will have a starting mechanism that’s responsible for heating up its burner. In older furnaces, this was a pilot light that remained...

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Can I Use My Heat Pump for Cooling Too?

June 13, 2024

If you use a heat pump to heat your Somerset, KY, home or considering installing one, you’re at the cutting edge of efficiency. According to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), heat pumps can cut greenhouse gas emissions from the residential sector by as much as 64%. Moreover, not only can a heat pump help you reduce your carbon footprint, but it can also lower your energy bill. Heat pumps can function up to 400% efficiently under best-case operating conditions. Best of all, these appliances provide reliable, year-round climate control. The same heat pump you use for winter heating can...

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Are HVAC Dehumidifiers Worth It?

March 7, 2024

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommends maintaining indoor humidity between 30% and 50%. Other indoor climate control experts assert that 40% to 60% is a much more manageable target. While having excessively dry indoor air is problematic, too much moisture can also take a toll on your health and the value of your Somerset, KY home. If you have condensation-covered windows, frequent problems with mold, or perpetually damp flooring and drywall, whole-house dehumidification could help. Read on to find out why an HVAC dehumidifier may be well worth the investment. What Is a Whole-House Dehumidifier? Whole-house dehumidifiers are...

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What can impact your heater’s performance this holiday season?

December 14, 2023

The winter holidays are one of the most magical times of the year. However, you could quickly find yourself facing a holiday nightmare should your heating system have any issues or not heat your home effectively. These are some of the factors that can impact your heating system over the holidays to help you ensure that your home stays comfortable. 1. Air Filter Condition One of the important things you can do to ensure your heating system works effectively over the holiday season or any time of the year is to replace your HVAC air filter regularly. Exactly how often...

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Understanding the Pros and Cons of Heat Pumps and Furnaces

October 19, 2023

If you’re in the process of upgrading your home’s heating system, the two most popular types of systems available to you are heat pumps and furnaces. Deciding which system to buy can be a challenge. While they’re both able to keep your home warm once the temperatures fall, they accomplish this in different ways. By comparing the two units, you can determine which one is most suitable for your home. What Are Heat Pumps? Heat pumps are designed to transition heat from one area to another. They take heat from the outside air before transferring it through a liquid refrigerant....

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When You Should Be Worried About Smells From Your Furnace

September 13, 2023

Now that the summer is coming to an end, you can expect to turn on your furnace soon. Depending on where you live and how warm you like your house, you might have even turned on your heat once or twice already. If you haven’t used your furnace in a few months, you might notice some strange smells when you first turn it on. This can be alarming if you’re not ready for it, but some of these smells are normal and completely harmless. Still, certain smells coming from your HVAC system could indicate a problem, especially if they don’t...

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What are the Benefits of Repairing my AC Rather than Replacing it?

August 16, 2023

Regular maintenance and prompt repairs provide distinct benefits over replacing an expensive AC system. Repairs and maintenance save energy, improve your home’s air quality and even reduce the number of pests in your home by limiting the need to open doors and windows. At in Somerset, Kentucky, we’ll always strive to look for a way to repair your system before recommending new equipment. The following seven benefits provide a firm basis for this policy. 1. Saving Money Replacing an AC system can prove to be an expensive proposition that might require financing and expensive structural alterations. The average AC system...

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